Sunday February 19, 2006
The Dick Cheney Humor Train
For once in a great while we have a political todo with a real smoking gun and it has been some of the most entertaining political hoopla the blogosphere has ever seen. It's like we're under an attack of laugh bombs from the QLGF (doncha know about the Quail Liberation Guerilla Front?). I posted about the I got shot by Dick Cheney page but the conversation fodder keeps on a-coming:
- Cheney's Got A Gun (Aerosmith spoof) provides the video and soundtrack
- The Bob Rivers Show - 102.5 KZOK Seattle (grr... packaging flash as a windows executable)
- Dick Cheney Quail Hunt action packed game
- Canned Hunting at its Cannedest
- Dave Letterman's Top Ten
And no shortage of hardy hars from Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien and so forth.
I've been following this Technorati search for the blogosphere's yucks and the posts from's Political Humor feed for most everything else:
And of course, there are the products:
- In addition to the Ready... Fire... Aim t-shirt above, there's Dick Cheney: Reducing the burden on social security one old bird at a time and other stuff
- Zazzle
- I'd Rather Hunt With Dick Cheney Than Ride With Ted Kennedy and such bumper stickers, t-shirts, yadda yadda
- CafePress
Yee haw!
political humor
( Feb 19 2006, 08:25:33 AM PST )