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20060316 Thursday March 16, 2006


Years ago I thought AvantGo was sooo cool. I'd sync up my Palm Pilot, get on the bus and read the web sites I'd subscribed to. Ah, how times have changed. Lately, I'd been using Sage to read feeds in Firefox but the interface has always seemed inconvenient and Firefox is kinda slow and leaky under Mac OS X.

Last week I installed Endo (brought to you by the maker of ecto). While I was a little thrown by the way the feed group bar shifts focus, my feed reading has definitely been enhanced. The floating window notifications when it's updating are cool. The way it shows post tags right at the top (under the blog post title) is also very nice. I could imagine improving the feed focus on the left hand side (I'm hitting the scroll bar too much). I should be able to reorder the feeds so I can read them in order of importance (or if Endo calc'd importance on the fly by watching which feeds I go to first and mapped that against their update rates, better). But really no substantial complaints. It integrates nicely with ecto and has hooks to integrate with mail and chat applications but my favorite thing about Endo is: its cache! I spend a few hours everyday commuting, reading feeds on while I'm on the go is great! I basically left the laptop load up feeds before I hit the road and catch up on stuff while in transit.

Thanks Ado!


( Mar 16 2006, 01:14:00 PM PST ) Permalink