Hey, I'm in Wired! The current Wired has an article about blog spam by Charles Mann that includes a little bit of my conversation with him. Spam + Blogs = Trouble covers a lot of the issues facing blog publishers (and in a broader sense,
user generated content participant created artifacts in general). There are some particular challenges faced by services like Technorati that index these goods in real time; not only must our indices have very fast cycles, so must our abilities to keep the junk out. I was in good company amongst Mann's sources, he talked to a variety of folks from many sides of the blog spam problem: Dave Sifry, Jason Goldman, Anil Dash, Matt Mullenweg, Natalie Glance and even some blog spam perps.
I've also had a lot of conversations with Doc lately about blog spam and the problems he's been having with kleptotorial. A University of Maryland study of December 2005 pings on weblogs.com determined that 75% of the pings are spam AKA spings. By excluding the non-English speaking blogosphere and not taking into account the large portions of the blogosphere that don't ping weblogs.com, that study ignored a larger blogosphere but overall, that assessment of the ping stream coming from weblogs.com seemed pretty accurate. As Dave reported last month, by last July we were finding over 70% of the pings coming into Technorati to be spam.
Technorati has deployed a number of anti-spam measures (such as targetting specific Blogger profiles, as Mitesh Vasa has. Of coures there's more that we've done but if I told you I'd have to kill you, sorry). There are popular theories in circulation on how to combat web spam involving blacklists of URLs and text analysis but those are just little pieces of the picture. Of the things I've seen from the anti-splog crusader websites, I think the fighting splog blog has hit one of the key vulnerabilities of splogs: they're just in it to get paid. So, hit 'em in the wallet. In particular, splog fighter's (who is that masked ranger?) targetting of AdSense's Terms of Service violators sounds most promising. Of course, there's more to blog spam than AdSense, Blogger and pings. The thing gnawing at me about all of these measures is their reactiveness. The web is a living organism of events, the tactics to keeping trashy intrusions out should be event driven too.
Intrusion detection is a proven tool in the computer security practice. System changes are a distrurbance in the force, significant events that should trigger attention. Number one in the list of The Six Dumbest Ideas in Computer Security is "Default Permit." I remember the days when you'd take a host out of the box from Sun or SGI (uh, who?) and it would come up in "rape me" mode. Accounts with default passwords, vulnerability laden printing daemons, rsh, telnet and FTP (this continued even long after the arrival of ssh and scp), all kinds of superfluous services in /etc/inetd.conf and so on. The first order of business was to "lock down" the host by overlaying a sensible configuration. The focus on selling big iron (well, bigger than a PC) into the enterprise prevented vendors from seeing the bigger opportunity in internet computing and the web. And so reads the epitaph of old-school Unix vendors (well, in Sun's case Jonathan Schwartz clearly gets it -- reckoning with the "adapt or die" options, he's made the obvious choice). Those of us building public facing internet services had to take the raw materials from the vendor and "fix them". The Unix vendors really blew it in so many ways, it's really too bad. The open source alternatives weren't necessarily doing it better, even the Linux distros of the day had a lot of stupid defaults. The BSD's did a better job but, unless you were Yahoo! or running an ISP, BSD didn't matter (well, I used FreeBSD very successfully in 90's but then I do things differently). Turning on access to everything but keeping out the bad guys by selectively reacting to vulnerabilities is an unwinnable game. When it comes to security matters, the power of defaults can be the harbinger of doom.
The "Default Deny" approach is to explicitly prescribe what services to turn on. It's the obvious, sensible approach to putting hosts on a public network. By having very tightly defined criteria for what packets are allowed to pass, watching for adversarial connections is greatly simplified. I've been thinking a lot about how this could be applied to providing services such as web search while also keeping the bad guys (web spammers) out.
Amongst web indexers, the big search services try to cast the widest net to achieve the broadest coverage. Remember the mine is bigger than yours flap? Search indices seemingly follow a Default Permit policy. On the other extreme from "try to index everything" is "only index the things that I prescribe." This "size isn't everything" response is seen in services like Rollyo. You can even use Alexa Web Search Platform to cobble your own index. But unlike the case of computer security stances, with web search you want opportunities for serendipity; searching within a narrowly prescribed subset of the web greatly limits those opportunities. Administratively managed Default Deny policies will only get you so far. I suspect in the future effective web indexing is going to require more detailed classification, a Default Deny with algorithmic qualification to allow. Publishers will have to earn their way into the search indices through good behavior.
The blogosphere has thrived on openness and ease of entry but indeed, all complex ecosystems have parasites. So, while we're grateful to be in a successful ecosystem, we'd all agree that we have to be vigilant about keeping things tidy. The junk that the bad guys want to inject into the update stream has to be filtered out. I think the key to successful web indexing is to cast a wide net , keep tightly defined criteria for deciding what gets in and to use event driven qualification to match the criteria. The attention hi-jackers need to be suppressed and the content that would be misappropriated has to be respected. This can be done by deciding that whatever doesn't meet the criteria for indexing, should be kept out. Not that we have to bid adieu to the yellow brick road of real time open content but perhaps we do have to setup checkpoints and rough up the hooligans who soil the vistas.
spam web spam splog splogs adsense technorati wired
( Sep 04 2006, 11:10:15 PM PDT ) Permalink